Evening and Easter Sunday opening GRANTED in amendment to Finance Bill

Evening and Easter Sunday opening contained in amendment to Finance bill, Betting Amendment bill no longer delayed

Betting (Amendment) Bill 2013

The amendments for the Finance bill 2014 have been published and enacted, which means Irish betting shops can open after 6.30pm during Autumn and Winter months, and also on Easter Sunday.

This is a major boost for retail betting operators, as the part-time staff that were let go every Septebmer will have steady work year round. The amount of evenings the shops will stay open remains to be seen, as there are some nights with very little content. But operators have the choice now, and that is very important, particularly to those with no online or mobile presence. The betting amendment bill itself is no longer on hold, and the Attorney General is now working on the bill to prepare its presentation to the Seanad. Once completed in the Seanad, it then goes to the Dail. It is then up to the Revenue Commissioners to ensure the licencing application process is ready to go, and Ireland for the first time will apply a betting duty to online and mobile operators.

Click here to download our Betting Amendment bill briefing document

UPDATED 21/1/15: Gambling Control Bill 2013 – makes B list on Dail legislative schedule for 2015

The Gambling Control act was published on July 15th 2013. It is supposed to repeal the 1931 Betting act, and 1956 Gaming and Lotteries Act. It is combining both of these acts in the new Gambling Control Act to regulate the entire gambling industry in Ireland. A lot of work has been done by the department on creating a bill to regulate the entire sector, but unfortunately it did not make the A list for the Dail legislative schedule for 2015. This means that the chances of the bill being progressed this year are very very low

The bill had been scheduled for publication in Mid 2015 but the date is now unknown

Gambling Control Bill 2013 – legislation being drafted

Our members welcome the publication of the long awaited

“Gambling Control Bill 2013”

The Gambling Control act was published on July 15th 2013 and is to repeal the 1931 Betting act, and 1956 Gaming and Lotteries Act. It is combining both of these acts in the new Gambling Control Act to regulate the entire gambling industry in Ireland. A lot of work has been done by the department on creating a bill to regulate the entire sector, and we look forward to working with them on its implementation

The bill failed to make the Dail calender for hearing in 2014, pushing it out to 2015. With the election looming in 2016 the chances of such a broad and possibly controversial bill taking up so much time is low.

The new bill provides more protection for customers, by requiring licensed operators to maintain a minimum level of funds in reserve and making bets recoverable by law, similar to existing legislation in the UK. Our association welcomes this development, and look forward to further clarification on definitions and licensing choices contained in the legislation.

We also welcome that contributions to a Social responsibility fund will now be compulsary, and that all operators will have to pay. Until now, only Irish betting shops have contributed to such a fund, and we are proudly supporting the exemplary work done by the Northern Ireland Charity – The Dunlewey Centre. The Dunlwey Centre provides a Freephone number 1800 936725, which operates 7 days a week, and provides immediate assistance and someone to listen for any person that calls the line. They will also organise face to face counselling sessions with qualified counsellors across the country where it is needed. The Irish retail betting industry has funded this service for almost 5 years now, and will continue to do so.

To read press release click here: Press Release
or to read the entire Bill please click here: www.justice.ie

To read the IBA response to Head of Bill please click here…