Living with COVID-19: Level 5

The Irish retail betting sector must close during Level 5 restrictions, as it is a non-essential retail service.

We urge all IBA members to abide by the Government restrictions and keep their shops closed during Level 5, to keep their staff and customers safe.

We hope that Level 5 will achieve the results the Government are hoping for across all key indicators, so that the people of Ireland and it’s economy can restart in December.

We look forward to playing our part in that recovery, when it is safe for us all to do so.

Further information on the Government’s Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19 can be found by clicking here.

You can see the list of essential retail outlets here.

You can see the list of essential services here.

Level 5 on Living with Covid19 Governemtn plan